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Telin A new standard in Technology branding; Telin-3 Data Centre design


A new standard in Technology branding; Telin-3 Data Centre design


Technology Branding: Telin commissioned Tangible to help launch Telin-3; its flagship Data Centre in the Singapore Data Centre Park and the first Data Centre to receive Tier-IV design certification from the Uptime Institute. Tangible utilised the project to help define Telin Singapore’s positioning and personality before developing the launch materials for Telin-3.

Technology branding

Marketing & Communications

After defining Telin’s brand, Tangible translated it to marketing materials for both Telin Singapore and Telin-3’s branding. Visual and verbal toolkits were created and adapted for marketing materials, a new website and two videos; a corporate video for Telin and a product video for Telin-3.

Technology branding

People & Culture

Tangible developed brand attributes for Telin that reflected the desired behaviour traits from Telin employees.

Products & Services

Tangible helped ideate and develop an appropriate product menu for Telin that reflected the new brand.

Visit: Telin